Invest with AX Partners

Become an Investor and access our unique opportunities through our investment vehicles. Minimum investment ticket of 250.000 EUR.

Invest in Private Real Estate Funds

AX Partners is a real estate investment firm specialised in value-add projects in prime locations. The firm develops a unique investment product for private equity, generating attractive returns in short investment periods with a low level of risk due to the security and guarantees provided by prime locations.

AX Partners has an investment strategy based on value creation through the transformation of mainly residential and hotel assets and short-term market repositioning.

The firm structures the investment programme by creating a investment vehicle for each deal that allows investors direct access to the real estate asset as collateral for the capital.

The firm seeks to generate a leveraged investment yield of 6% – 8% by improving the rent on residential and hospitality assets and between 40% and 60% of gross ROE on exit, achieving an annualised net leveraged return on equity of 10% – 20%. This strategy is proven by a recognised track record of more than 15% of annualised ROE.

AX Partners acts as a trusted partner for the management of real estate investments in Spain for private and institutional investors.

Fund Investing

Qualified investors with a minimum ticket of €250.000 can invest in our Luxembourg-based private master feeder fund, which structures a compartment for each deal and allows reinvestment of returns from each investment into subsequent vehicles with tax advantages, thus obtaining greater exposure to all our vehicles.


Family offices and professional investors, with minimum tickets of over €1.000.000 , have the opportunity to co-invest directly in the SPV owner of the asset, obtaining more than 5% of the vehicle’s shares on a deal-by-deal basis, thus gaining tax advantages. They also benefit from rent distributions and the possibility to reinvest capital gains from asset sales.

Legal Disclaimer

AX Partners does not make investment recommendations and no communication, through this website or otherwise should be construed as a recommendation of any security. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

AX Partners, based in Spain, invests through commercial companies set «ad hoc» for the development of Real Estate projects in Spanish territory, and offers its products only to professional investors, and on an individualized basis. Its activity, therefore, is governed by the Spanish Royal Decree of August 22, 1885, by which the Commercial Code is published or in special Laws, by the general rules of common Law, as well as by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of July 2, which approves the refunded text of the Capital Companies Law. It is expressly stated, for the appropriate legal purposes, that the presentation of information does not constitute, in any way, a public offer for sale or subscription of securities, according to the definition provided for in article 30 bis.1 of Law 24/ 1988, July 28. Therefore, the regulations established by Royal Decree 1310/2005, of November 4, which partially develops Law 24/1998, of July 28, on the Securities Market, regarding admission to negotiation of securities in official secondary markets, public offers for sale or subscription, and the prospectus required for such purpose. II.- AX Partners GP S.à.r.l., with registration number 2023 2459 302, as Administrator of AX Partners Real Estate Fund SCSp, both based in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, constitutes a collective investment vehicle and operates under AIF Law. The Fund directs its products solely and exclusively to qualified investors and markets its products from Luxembourg in “Private Placement” format. The marketing of its products in Spanish territory is only carried out through «Authentic Reverse Solicitation”.

By clicking this button, you confirm that you are a professional investor as defined by applicable laws and regulations, and that you understand and accept the terms and conditions outlined in this website, including the disclaimers regarding investment recommendations and legal compliance.